Honda Speed Patrol with Mario Andretti [VIDEOS]

mario andretti

Honda and legendary race car driver Mario Andretti wants people to go FAST.   That’s why the Honda Speed Patrol and him are enforcing speed and writing tickets to anyone that moves too slow.  Don’t you hate it when people are moving slowly?

Honda Speed Patrol with Mario Andretti

As Mario Andretti prepares to give someone the ride of his or her life in the #FastestSeat, Honda Speed Patrol set out to put an end to everyday slowness.

Honda Speed Patrol – Amazement

From what I can tell both of these videos were shot in Chicago.  This Honda Speed Patrol video campaign is a social media effort to promote Honda’s contest where you can win a chance to ride with Mario Andretti while he drives.  Does that sound scary or cool?

I think this is a good marketing effort by Honda but this could have been used for the newest Acura NSX instead of a contest.

Adam Yamada-Hanff
Adam has always loved cars and anything with wheels. When he is not writing about interesting stories you might find him jamming on his saxophone, watching movies, creating art, or playing with his two dogs.