MTV Says Millenials Are Buying Cars Now

A new press release from Viacom, which owns MTV, says that their latest survey shows that millenials are now buying cars. Presented to the National Automobile Dealers Association, the survey asked young people how important a car was to them and various things of questionable merit such as whether they’d give up texting or their car first.

What the survey, and more importantly it’s PR, says is that MTV is hoping automakers will come back and start advertising again. How do we know this? The first person quoted is Jeff Lucas, Head of Sales, Music and Entertainment, Viacom Media Networks. In other words, MTV’s top ad guy. The next quote is from a guy who heads “Ad Sales Research” at MTV, which is a fancy way of saying “the guy who comes up with official-sounding numbers so that advertisers will pay top dollar.”

Deeper into the press release, we find this tidbit that seals the deal: “57 percent of young people agree that car advertisements influence their purchasing decisions..” Of course, this is punctuated by “ in two do not feel that current car advertisements speak to who they are.” Reading between the lines says “because you aren’t advertising on MTV.” Duh.

So there you go, carmakers. MTV thinks you should advertise on MTV. Watch this space, though. In about a week, we’ll have definitive study results showing that you would be far better off sending those millions in TV ad dollars to Car News Cafe. We have a unique opportunity wherein you can advertise your wares on a green space in Bolivia and will show you how this will capture more young buyers than any other tactic. Really. If you want to reserve your spot before the study results are finalized, feel free to contact us about non-refundable deposit opportunities to get in on the ground floor..

Aaron Turpen
An automotive enthusiast for most of his adult life, Aaron has worked in and around the industry in many ways. He is an accredited member of the Rocky Mountain Automotive Press (RMAP) and freelances as a writer and journalist around the Web and in print. You can find his portfolio at