Why You Should Work on Your Own Car This Summer

Jeep® Sandstorm (formerly Desert Hawk) concept

Summertime is rough on cars — the heat causes batteries to die, belts to snap and tires to go flat. It’s also a great time to work on your own cars instead of relying on a mechanic to fix these problems. Let’s take a look at why you should be working on your own car, both this summer and every summer to come.

The Great Weather

Summertime is the best time to work on your car. You don’t have to worry about getting oil or gasoline on your best winter coat, and you can enjoy delightful weather while working outdoors. The only thing you will need is something to keep the summer sun off your head. You can do that by working on your garage or setting up a collapsible canopy in your driveway — or just invest in a hat.

It Saves You Money

One of the most important reasons to work on your car is that it can save you a ton of money. When you take your car to a mechanic, you’re paying for upcharged parts and labor. This can turn even a simple repair into an expensive, wallet-draining nightmare — especially if you end up working with an unscrupulous mechanic.

When you’re working on your own car, all you’re paying for is parts. The time you put into it is your own, so you’re not paying extra for it.

An Excuse to Clean Your Garage

If you can’t stand the thought of working on your car out in the sun, this can be a great excuse to clean out your garage so you have somewhere safe to work. Sort through all the stuff you have stored in your garage — don’t bother denying it, we know it’s there — and organize it so you have enough room to work on your car.

While you’re cleaning, take the time to inspect your garage door. June is garage door safety month, and for good reason. People get killed or injured by a falling door far too often, so make sure your workspace is completely safe before you start.

A Great Skill to Have

In addition to saving you money on repairs, working on your cars can help keep you from having to call AAA or a tow truck when you’re stuck on the side of the road. Even knowing how to change a tire and swap out a battery can help you when the unexpected happens.

Even more advanced problems like breaking a drive belt while you’re on the highway can be fixed on the side of the road in a few minutes — if you’ve got some tools handy and a bit of know-how.

A New Hobby

Finally, working on your car this summer might turn into a lifelong hobby, if you find you enjoy it. It can be extremely satisfying to fix problems on your car and before long, you might find yourself rebuilding project cars or modifying your car for use on the racetrack.

This isn’t a bad thing and can turn into a very rewarding, if expensive, hobby.

You should absolutely start working on your car this summer. It’s a great time to get out and enjoy the warm weather before winter sneaks up on us again, and it can save you money and turn into a rewarding hobby. What are you waiting for?