Toyota goes Weird Al with the Busta Rhymes Sienna Swagger Wagon campaign

swagger wagon

This one is so blatantly goofy and fist-to-forehead that it might actually be funny enough to transcend the bruised eyeballs it creates. Toyota is once again channeling their inner Weird Al-ness and continuing the “Swagger Wagon” product campaign for their minivan, the Toyota Sienna. Featuring Busta Rhymes, this long made-for-sharing video pokes fun at white suburbanites while simultaneously making the least-gangsta of all vehicles, the minivan, into something cool.


This campaign first appeared back in 2010 when the current-generation Toyota Sienna debuted. With new 2015 updates for the van coming, Toyota rekindled the “suburban-goes-urban” campaign with a new Swagger Wagon music video featuring Busta Rhymes.

What do you think? Cringe worthy or so goofy it’s awesome?

UPDATE – We’ve added the original “Swagger Wagon” Toyota Sienna commercial from 2010.  Watch both and which one do you think is better?

Toyota Sienna – Swagger Wagon

Original Swagger Wagon Commercial


Aaron Turpen
An automotive enthusiast for most of his adult life, Aaron has worked in and around the industry in many ways. He is an accredited member of the Rocky Mountain Automotive Press (RMAP) and freelances as a writer and journalist around the Web and in print. You can find his portfolio at