Honda Fit crashes into an Ambulance and Flips it over [VIDEO]

ambulance crash

There are a lot of car crashes on Youtube and probably more than you would care to see.  However, it is not everyday that you see a car crash that involves an ambulance.  Check it out!

The person driving in what appears to be a Honda Fit didn’t realize the ambulance was coming through the intersection.  The driver of the Honda Fit doesn’t slow down or stop colliding with the ambulance’s rearend hard enough to flip it onto it’s side.

Nobody was seriously injured in the crash  luckily.  Of course maybe the person or people the ambulance was trying to get to was not so lucky!

Adam Yamada-Hanff
Adam has always loved cars and anything with wheels. When he is not writing about interesting stories you might find him jamming on his saxophone, watching movies, creating art, or playing with his two dogs.