Three leaders in the manufacturing and electronics industry are teaming up to bring you twice as much energy density than current lithium-ion batteries deliver. The results will mean good news for any range anxiety left.
Mitsubishi, maker of the incredible Lancer Evolution, broke records by introducing its all-electric iMiEV before anyone in the U.S. and could soon get high-energy batteries. We covered how the company delivered a full assault at Pikes Peak last year, with their strategic partnership with Yuasa International GS Yuasa International Ltd.. The good news is that Mitsubishi Corporation and Yuasa have teamed up with Bosch to double electric vehicle (EV) battery energy density.
High density batteries included.
The joint venture called Lithium Energy and Power GmbH & Co. KG, will develop the next generation of lithium-ion battery technology. Bosch will hold 50 percent of the stake with GS Yuasa International Ltd. and Mitsubishi Corporation each holding 25 percent of the rest. The lofty goal to double EV battery energy capacity means greater range, ideally twice as much as what we see today. In fact the companies are so confident, Dr. Volkmar Denner, Chairman of the board of management of Robert Bosch GmbH, said: “In setting up this joint venture, we want to achieve nothing less than a giant leap forward in the development of battery technology. Our aim is to make lithium-ion batteries twice as efficient,” He is also is responsible for research and development.
Greater range, but what about the price?
Unlike your cell phone carriers or cable service, a bump in performance doesn’t always mean a new hole in your wallet. Dr. Denner insists the EV batteries will be more affordable. The reason behind is that their smaller size means the manufacturing will be easier. Of course, all of this hinges on mass-manufacturing, which is really what brings down any costs.
Mitsubishi Corporation, not Mitsubishi Motors.
Although we could dedicate a few articles explaining the intricacies of the Mitsubishi companies, suffice it say, Mitsubishi Corporation isn’t the same thing as Mitsubishi Motors. The latter makes cars, including the Lancer Evolution all the way down to the iMiEV, and Mitsubishi Corporation includes seven business segments, finance, banking, energy, machinery, chemicals and food. What this means is that Mitsubishi Motors will be able to buy the technology from Mitsubishi Corporation. Sounds complicated? It is.
We welcome good news of higher-density lithium batteries. As the industry struggles to raise range, many battery manufacturers are working on ways to break through the current 115 Wh/Lb. This means the current generation of cars that achieve about 100 miles, could all the sudden reach around 200, putting them closer to the perceived ideal range of 300 to 400 miles.